A bit of students' forum from the twinspace, where all students talk about them and their life, made in video by the Italian students
the 1th E class - Liceo Pedagogico "MARCONI"
“Liviu Rebreanu” School from Mioveni, Arges, Romania
Some activities from "Liviu Rebreanu" School, Mioveni, Arges
1. In the classroom - video made and published by the 5th C class from "Liviu Rebreanu" School Mioveni, ROMANIA
2. Activities for the Francofony Day - video made and published by the 5th C class from "Liviu Rebreanu"School Mioveni, ROMANIA
3. Earth Day - video made and published by the 5th C class from "Liviu Rebreanu" School Mioveni, ROMANIA
4. Artistic Activities - Video made and published by the 5th C class from "Liviu Rebreanu" School Mioveni, ROMANIA
5. Europe Day
Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May.
This event is in the calendar of most of the schools throughout the continent.
In this European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, teachers and students will in particular celebrate cultures, as an asset of European integration.
Today, the 9th of May has become a European symbol.
It’s not them and us, it’s you and me.
video made and published by the 5th C class from "Liviu Rebreanu" School Mioveni, ROMANIA
6. Our free time
a) Visit to theTupils' Symphony
video made and published by the 5th class from "Liviu Rebreanu" School Mioveni, ROMANIA
b) Visit to the PLANETARIU, in PITESTI
c) HALLOWEEN in my school, a slideshow made by the Romanian Team
7. The first school day in Scoala "Liviu Rebreanu" Mioveni - a slide made and published by the Romanian Team
Some little slides of our school life - the 1th E class
THE STUDENTS of Lianokladiou Gymnasio
present some short videos about school life
THE 4th class PUPILS from SLOVENIA
present some nice songs
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