The teachers' progress card
The students of the Gymnasio Lianokladiou, continued their cooperation with the schools Istituto Magistrale "G. Marconi" (Italy), Scoala "Liviu Rebreanu" Mioveni, Arges (Romania), OŠ Janka Ribiča Cezanjevci (Slovenia) in the project “Exchanging friendship and learning skill each other”, after the end of the cooperation in the project “Global Communication” In this project, students communicate through e mail and talk about various subjects in the forum, practicing the English language, using new possibilities of the use of the PCs and learning about the similarities and differences between the countries in all sectors of their life. The Greek students could introduce themselves or prepared presentations with their introduction. They also prepared presentations for their country and some activities in school. Some of their presentations were transformed by them to small video, which present activities in their school, or the country, the district, the school and their small town. Some of the activities for the project were: -the collection of the most interesting websites, relative the subjects: environment, religion, education of health, sun-water-air, sports, Olympic Games, Family, Technology, Track, Economy, and Education. -The creation of a common dictionary, with the participation of all partner schools - Photo gallery with scenes of the daily school life and the manifestations in it.
IOULIA GKIKA (Gymnasio Lianokladiou - Greece)
The students of the Scoala "Liviu Rebreanu" Mioveni, Arges (Romania), continued their cooperation with a lot of enthusiasm with the schools Istituto Magistrale "G. Marconi" (Italy), Gymnasio Lianokladiou (Greece), OŠ Janka Ribiča Cezanjevci (Slovenia) in the project “Exchanging friendship and learning skill each other”, after the end of the cooperation in the project “Global Communication”. In this project, my students communicate through e mail and talk about various subjects in the forum, practicing the English language. In the Romanian Folders, we (me and my students) have published interesting works. 1. Our pictures: Christmas show, Consilliation lesson, Math lesson, to the sweet shop, for the project, near the Christmas tree, the best friends, together, trip… 2. Romania > Pupils presentation About us: some PowerPoint presentation of my students 3. Romania >About Romania Something about my country, Romania: My country, my county, my town (PPT), My town (Video), Romania (PPT) 4. Our School "Liviu Rebreanu" : "Liviu Rebreanu" school (Video) 5. Sciences: Environment - water (websites); Maths (some websites about Math); 6. My town MIOVENI (Pictures) 7. Dictionary: I saved in my PC the Dictionary from Italy, from Greece and my students have completed them with the translation into Romanian Language, they have added another word for translation and they have published in the twinspace. This activity was a challenge for my students to improve their knowledge in some domains. A great activity of our project is the blog:, where I have published a most of part of my student activities: 1. Our web resources used in school activities; 2. School life: some video made by my students - In the classroom, Activities for the Francophony Day, Earth Day, Artistic Activities, Europe Day, Our free time; 3. INTRODUCING... About Mioveni, Arges, ROMANIA - a PowerPoint presentation, with link to our twinspace and Video: Mioveni and Some music and water from Pitesti, the residence of my county Arges.
MARIANA RADULESCU (Scoala "Liviu Rebreanu" Mioveni, Arges (Romania)
Students from Italy, Romania, Greece, Slovenia communicated by emails or forum, talking about different subjects that the same students chose or the teachers (like this: do you like or not to go to school, do you like Maths or other subjects...). The students already shared opinions about leisure time, music, movies, books, pets ... in an earlier project named "Global Communication". They were more and more involved exchanging news and ICT skills. They made Power Point presentations of themselves and of their school and towns. I've created a blog named "" and invited my partners to upload their works and share them with most people: some of my students asked to learn and try to upload their presentation using different media (overall windows Movie Maker). All the partners contribute to create and share a common dictionary. Finally all the students made a websearching activity (in the folder of each school in the twinspace and under the title "our web resources" as a post in our blog) to exchange learning materials found in the web: so they had discovered that Internet may be a fantastic learning community, but one must select the materials and use his/her critical ability. More: using foreign language to learn other disciplinary contents (as it happens in CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning) made the students better understand the language as a tool of acquisition and transmission of knowledge, and not only as an abstract entity regulated by grammar and syntax. It comes so favorite not only the linguistic improvement, but also the motivation; it increases in students the awareness of the utility to learn a foreign language and the trust in their own possibilities.
NORINA CIAFARONE (Istituto Magistrale Marconi – Pescara, Italy)